• 陈德馨
  • 发布时间:2019-08-27   阅读:377
  • 姓 名:陈德馨

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    邮 箱:dxchen@jnu.edu.cn





    2016.10-2017.9 岩手大学(日本),理工学院,CSC公派研究生

    2015.6-2015.10 岩手大学(日本),理工学院,博士课题联合培养

    2009.9-2013.6 华南理工大学,机械与汽车工程学院,工学学士


    1. 与日本丰田汽车公司的国际合作项目,用于3D涂层的新型喷雾式镀法的开发与研究,2013.3-2017.2


    1. Dexin Chen, Yang Zhang, Takeshi Bessho, Jing Sang, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Kunio Mori, Zhixin Kang. Layer by layer electroless deposition: An efficient route for preparing adhesion-enhanced metallic coatings on plastic surfaces. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 303. 100-108.

    2. Dexin Chen, Yan Zhang, Takeshi Bessho, Takahiro Kudo, Jing Sang, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Kunio Mori, Zhixin Kang. Ag films with enhanced adhesion fabricated by solution process for solar reflector applications. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2016, 151: 154-161.

    3. Dexin Chen, Zhixin Kang, Takeshi Bessho. molecular grafting to improve adhesion of spray-deposited circuits on polymeric surface for flexible electronics. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 52: 73-81.

    4. Dexin Chen, Yan Zhang, Takeshi Bessho, Jing Sang, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Kunio Mori, Zhixin Kang. Formation of reflective and conductive silver film on ABS surface via covalent grafting and solution spray. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 349: 503-509.

    5. Dexin Chen, Zhixin Kang. ABS plastic metallization through UV covalent grafting and layer-by-layer deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 328: 63-69.

    6. Dexin Chen, Zhixin Kang, Takeshi Bessho. Tough bonding of metallic layers to hydrocarbon surfaces by depositing Ag films. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 72256-72262.

    7. Qin Liu, Dexin Chen, Zhixin Kang. one-step electrodeposition process to fabricate corrosion-resistant superhydrophobic surface on magnesium alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(3): 1859-1867.

    8. Yiwei Gan, Dexin Chen, Zhixin Kang. A highly anticorrosive chromium-free conversion coating prepared on electroless Ni–P coating. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2016, 287: 25-32.

    9. Yan Zhang, Zhixin Kang, Dexin Chen, Takeshi Bessho. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the mild photo-responsive surface functionalization of carbon nanotubes. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2017, 25(4): 273-281.

    10. Yan Zhang, Zhixin Kang, Dexin Chen, Takeshi Bessho. Surface functionalization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by the photo‐responsive strategy of π‐π stacking and azide grafting. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2017. 50(3): 393-398.


    1. 康志新, 陈德馨. 一种在ABS塑料表面无钯活化的金属化方法. 中国发明专利, 申请号: CN201610602116.1, 申请日: 2016.07.27, 公开号: CN106048564A, 公开日:2016.10.26.


    (1) Dexin Chen, Takeshi Bessho, Jing Sang, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Kunio Mori, Zhixin Kang. A novel method to prepare adhesive-enhanced metal films on ABS surface (Oral presentation). 19th Interfinish World Congress & Exhibition (Interfinish 2016, Beijing), No.130, 50. 2016-09-20.

    (2) Dexin Chen, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Sumio Aisawa, Jing Sang, Zhixin Kang. Study on a layer by layer electroless metal deposition on plastic surface (Poster).Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies (Morioka, Japan). 1P124, 2017-9-16

    (3) Dexin Chen, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Sumio Aisawa, Jing Sang, Zhixin Kang. Adsorption behavior of metallic ions onto thiol-containing silane modified liquid crystal polymer (Oral presentation). 66th Symposium on Macromolecules (Ehime, Japan). 66(2), 833-834. 2017-09-20.